errOpenDenied = -1273 •open connection request was denied
1)errAECoercionFail •bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied
2)errOSACantCoerce •Signaled when a value can't be coerced to the desired type. Similar to errOSATypeError except results from coercion = -1700
2)OSAMissingParameter •Signaled when a parameter is missing for a function invocation. Note that in some languages, this error may occur at runtime = -1701
errAECorruptData = errOSACorruptData = -1702
2)errOSATypeError •Signaled when data was not the right type and coercion is not allowed = -1703
errAENotAEDesc = -1704
errAEBadListItem = -1705 •the specified list item does not exist
errAENewerVersion = -1706 •need newer version of the AppleEvent manager
errAENotAppleEvent = -1707 •the event is not in AppleEvent format
1)errAEEventNotHandled •the AppleEvent was not handled by any handler
2)OSAMessageNotUnderstood •Signaled when a message was sent to an object that didn't handle it = -1708
errAEReplyNotValid = -1709 •AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter
errAEUnknownSendMode = -1710 •mode wasn't NoReply WaitReply or QueueReply or Interaction level is unknown
errAEWaitCanceled = -1711 •in AESend the user cancelled out of wait loop for reply or receipt
errAETimeout = -1712 •the AppleEvent timed out
errAENoUserInteraction = -1713 •no user interaction is allowed
errAENotASpecialFunction = -1714 •there is no special function for/with this keyword
errAEParamMissed = -1715 •a required parameter was not accessed
errAEUnknownAddressType = -1716 •the target address type is not known
1)errAEHandlerNotFound •no handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler
2)OSAUndefinedHandler •Signaled when a function to be returned doesn't exist. (Probably only useful in languages with first-class
errAEReplyNotArrived = -1718 •the contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet
1)errAEIllegalIndex •index is out of range in a put operation
2)OSAIllegalIndex •Signaled when index was out of range. Specialization of errOSACantAccess = -1719
1)errAEImpossibleRange •A range like 3rd to 2nd or 1st to all
2OSAIllegalRange •Signaled when a range is screwy. Specialization of errOSACantAccess = -1720
1)errAEWrongNumberArgs •Logical op kAENOT used with other than 1 term
2)OSAParameterMismatch •Signaled when function is called with the wrong number of parameters, or a parameter pattern cannot be matched = -1721
1)errAEAccessorNotFound •Accessor proc matching wantClass and containerType or wildcards not found
2)OSAIllegalAccess •Signaled when a container can never have the requested object = -1723
errAENoSuchLogical = -1725 •Something other than AND OR or NOT
errAEBadTestKey = -1726 •Test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor nor typeCompDescriptor
errAENotAnObjSpec = -1727 •Param to AEResolve not of type 'obj '
1)errAENoSuchObject •e.g.: specifier asked for the 3rd but there are only 2. Basically this indicates a run-time resolution error
2)errOSACantAccess •Signaled when an object is not found in a container = -1728
errAENegativeCount = -1729 •CountProc returned negative value
errAEEmptyListContainer = -1730 •Attempt to pass empty list as container to accessor
errAEUnknownObjectType = -1731 •available only in version 1.0.1 or greater
errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn = errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn = -1732 •available only in version 1.0.1 or greater
errAEReceiveTerminate = -1733 •break out of all levels of AEReceive to the topmost (1.1 or greater)
errAEReceiveEscapeCurrent = -1734 •break out of only lowest level of AEReceive (1.1 or greater)
errAEEventFiltered = -1735 •event has been filtered and should not be propogated (1.1 or greater)
errAEDuplicateHandler = -1736 •attempt to install handler in table for identical class and id (1.1 or greater)
errAEStreamBadNesting = -1737 •nesting violation while streaming
errAEStreamAlreadyConverted = -1738 •attempt to convert a stream that has already been converted
errAEDescIsNull = -1739 •attempting to perform an invalid operation on a null descriptor
errOSASystemError = -1750
errOSAInvalidID = -1751
errOSABadStorageType = -1752
errOSAScriptError = -1753
errOSABadSelector = -1754
errOSASourceNotAvailable = -1756
errOSANoSuchDialect = -1757
errOSADataFormatObsolete = -1758
errOSADataFormatTooNew = -1759
errOSAComponentMismatch = -1761 •Parameters are from 2 different components
errOSACantOpenComponent = -1762 •Can't connect to scripting system with that ID